How can you guys be so blind?
He's just doing this to gain attention and sympathy so that people can rally together and start making donations to support he sorry ass.
Listening to his "last show" its obvious he's putting all the weight and blame indirectly on the audience for the show dying since "they didnt donate/financially support the show".
He thinks he's doing this subtly but it's so fuckin obvious its a stunt.
Check out his site now on rev60, he's using one of his troll account to rally people to together to start making donations to bring the show back.
Barry, you need to grow up and stay the fuck away.
You're like a baby throwing a tantrum, and basicaly giving people an ultimatum: "Either pay me, or I wont do the show."
We can all see through this and its not going to work. The sad part is you actually think your fan base will all get together and save your ass...this isnt 2008 anymore jerkoff, and your show stopped being cool when you stopped bashing the community as a focal point to your show.
Audiences are cyclcle and all your hardcores have moved on like a year ago. Bullshit you get 1000 downloads a show, you dont even get half that many views on your show threads and the replies are as abysmal as you can get, except for your ass kissers like Dare and Hunter.
Dont be a fucking gullible bunch of fools people, make no mistake Barry's weird personality and identity is tied up on the show and now he's pouting and putting his foot down that he wants money.
Last show my ass; this will just be his first attempt at many to try and scam people out of thier money so he can do his rinky dinky piece of shit show.